I want to share my incredible experience with Prophet Racine during an interactive one-on-one prayer session on June 6, 2024. For years, I struggled with an unusual addiction: I was compelled to eat a specific type of stone that could only be found at my company-provided accommodation. Whenever I visited other places, the craving would disappear, but it would return with a vengeance whenever I was at home.

This addiction began in 2017 and worsened, especially around my menstrual cycle. I would often find myself reaching for the stone before and after meals, chewing it until it broke apart. This habit took a toll on my health, leading to damaged gums and frequent constipation.

During the prayer session with Prophet Racine, I felt a profound shift within me. When he prayed for me, I experienced a powerful moment of release—I even vomited, which I believe was a sign of my deliverance.

I am grateful to Jesus Christ for my newfound freedom. Attached is a photo of the stone that once held me captive.

Thank you, Jesus Christ; I am free indeed!




I want to share my testimony about a powerful experience of healing. My father was seriously ill in Zimbabwe. He was so unwell that he couldn’t even wake up or


 I want to share my testimony—a journey that reflects the incredible power of faith and divine intervention. For the past 20 years, my relationship with my dad has been imbalanced,


My name is Margaret, and I am a partner and member of the Household of Faith at the University of God. I want to share my testimony about how my