The Bible is real now offence has gone!

I’m David and I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the impact that Prophet Racine has had on my life. God is using him to restore and save countless individuals, and I truly mean it.

My testimony begins with my introduction to the Great Prophet TB Joshua in 2011. Through him, God transformed my life profoundly. However, in 2019, I faced a significant setback. I was falsely accused at work, and this accusation deeply offended me. Instead of seeking forgiveness, I clung to that offense for far too long, allowing anger and hatred to consume my heart. I became unwilling to even see the person who had wronged me.

As a result of this bitterness, I stopped reading the Bible and praying without realizing when it had happened. I had once experienced visions of angels and even the presence of the apostles, but all of that ceased. I lived my life without direction and began suffering from nightly nightmares.

Then, just when I needed it most, The University of God was born — what a blessing! I missed the initial reading programme but started in 2023. The beginning was incredibly challenging. Every word I read felt like a thousand knives piercing my chest, and I couldn’t grasp its meaning. Deep down, I knew that something was gravely wrong.

As I continued to read, something strange occurred during my sleep; it felt as if an entity was entering and leaving my chest. Nevertheless, I persisted in reading the Word of God, dedicating time each day — morning, noon, evening, and night — to immerse myself in scripture.

One night, I found myself in a trance-like state, a feeling difficult to describe. I sensed a war within my chest, as if two forces were battling one another. I shared my experience with my wife, and since that day, the torment in my chest has vanished. I can now read the Bible freely and understand its teachings.

I am immensely grateful for the work Prophet Racine is doing by guiding Christians back to the Word of God and restoring those of us who have strayed. God bless you, Prophet Racine, and your family.

God Healed My Back!

My name is Sharon and I am thrilled to share my testimony of a miraculous healing that has transformed my life. After suffering from lower back pain since 2022, I

God Showed Me My Divine Purpose!

Heavenly greetings, brethren! I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to God for His faithfulness in my life. For a long time, I have yearned to understand