I want to share my testimony—a journey that reflects the incredible power of faith and divine intervention.

For the past 20 years, my relationship with my dad has been imbalanced, filled with ups and downs. Our family life was marred by division, hatred, unforgiveness, idolatry, setbacks, and an overwhelming darkness that required significant intervention to overcome. As the central figure in this turmoil, my irresponsible decision-making, immaturity, and lack of spiritual understanding kept me from knowing Jesus Christ until later in my life.

It took a genuine encounter with Jesus to restore a broken relationship that had been lost for seven years. Why seven years? Because of the deep imbalance that existed. However, I have witnessed the Lord’s mighty hand at work in the unseen realms of my life, just as He does for all His people within the Household of Faith.

Recently, my dad and I began rebuilding our relationship. We started communicating like brothers and old friends, surprised at how much we’ve changed over the years. We even joked about how much weight we had lost and gained in our journeys.

I truly thank Jesus Christ, Prophet Racine, Madam Ruth, and the entire UOG team and family for your love, remembrance, support, and prayers. Distance is never a barrier; the power of prayer in the Holy Ghost moves faster than a millisecond. As long as we stand firm as believers, mountains that have stood for centuries can and will move on our behalf. Just calling on the name of Jesus Christ can bring about wondrous results.

This beautiful restoration took place on August 30th at my grandparents’ home. I feel at peace now, and I believe that the best is yet to come. I encourage everyone to continue praying with Prophet Racine and to expect the signs and wonders of Jesus Christ in your lives.


I want to share my testimony about a powerful experience of healing. My father was seriously ill in Zimbabwe. He was so unwell that he couldn’t even wake up or


My name is Margaret, and I am a partner and member of the Household of Faith at the University of God. I want to share my testimony about how my


Heavenly greetings! I am Davis from Zambia, and I want to share my testimony about experiencing the peace of God in my marriage after attending the UOG Partners meeting with