“The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from Heaven is above all.” 

(John 3:31)

When Jesus came on earth, God Almighty came on earth. He did not come from dust; that is why He did not go back to dust. He came from Heaven and He went back to Heaven. That is why He rose from the dead.

Although He was born in a manger and grew to be a man, He was from above and He came to show us a Kingdom from above, the Kingdom of Heaven.


We believe the Bible is true because of the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ Himself believed the Scriptures. He quoted them as being the absolute Words of God. He proved the Scriptures. He taught them. He lived by them and He made them work.


As we celebrate Christ’s birth this festive season, let us thank God for Jesus’ Words that are Spirit and life.  For as He said in Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”  



A house built on the rock stands forever.
By faith, we begin to look not at our weakness but believe that we have the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Righteousness is right standing before God. In His presence, your heart is secured.


Despite taking great care of our physical appearance, so many of us are discouraged, frustrated, fearful, angry, bitter and offended inside – and this is what shows through our words and behaviour, no matter how much we try and hide it. Why? Because our heart is not cleansed and our mind not refreshed.


Often, the loudest rebuke is the one from the inside of us. Because the motive of our heart cannot be concealed, and no one knows us better than we do ourselves. So, if we are convicted by our conscience, there is hope for us.