He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalms 91:1)

Great men have great habits.

This is oneof your godly habits : always entering God’s presence in prayer.

Persecuted beyond measure,  you never answered critics and detractors but gave yourself to prayer and remained true to Jesus Christ to the very end on June 5th 2021, doing

what you were born for, lived for and died for:  a sacrificial commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

We have learned from you what it takes to live to please God not to please man: doing the will of God from our heart.

Those who truly knew you, lived with you and served God with their lives under your mentorship are remembering you all around the world this very day in silence before God Almighty in prayer, fasting and meditation.

We remember your last words to us on June 5th, 2021, minutes before your departure : Watch and pray!

In this Remembrance Day, June 5th, We pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Living Father, that generations yet unborn shall live to see the fruit of God’s goodness in your life.

To our dad, mentor and hero of faith- Prophet TB Joshua- we and millions around the world, who recognise the grace of God in your life, we say thank you for pointing us to the One to Whom belongs all the glory, honour, praise and power: Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter”(Proverbs 25:2)

“We should not make people to believe us, we should not prove ourselves; let God prove us, let God make people to believe us. Integrity cannot be proven; it can only be discerned! (PTBJ)

As the LORD Jesus Christ lives, and your soul lives in Him, you will remain forever in our heart!

Shalom! Requiescat in Pace! RIP.


Do you know that God searches our heart? Because only He can see the true motivation behind what we do. What will a search of your heart reveal? Anxious thoughts? Fear? Doubt? Impatience? Anger? Worry? Our life is what our thoughts make it. When we come to God with our lips, He listens to our heart.


No matter the challenge or confrontation you face today, it is how you respond that matters because our real enemy is sin. When our impatience is provoked, our patience has a chance to grow, when our hatred is provoked, our love has a chance to grow. When our doubt is provoked, our faith has a chance to grow. The psalmist understood that the only way to respond as God would want us to, is when the Word of God is hidden in our heart.


“How do we meet Jesus today? We can only relate and meet Jesus Christ through His Word and by His Spirit! It is God’s Word which builds the bridge of faith which connects us to God.
The Word dominating our heart is the Lordship of Christ in us. This is why Jesus is asking us to remain in His Word.”