Galatians 5:25, “Since we live by the spirit, let us keep in step with the spirit.”


When running a long-distance race, you have to keep following the course set before you, otherwise you can easily run off track and get lost. It is the same in our journey with Jesus. Our journey as believers of Christ in this earth is not a sprint but a marathon, where God has set before us the direction to take, through His Word and by His Spirit. God did not make you a creature living by instinct, but He gave you a conscience to make you spiritually inclined to discern His Ways.


God would not have commanded us to walk in the spirit if He had not designed us to walk in the spirit. But many of us on our journey through life fall out of step with the spirit and find ourselves living, walking, thinking only in the natural.


Apostle Paul warned the Galatians about the danger of gradually resigning to natural methods and strategies in the worship of a divine God who is Spirit. “Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” Galatians 3:3

Because God is Spirit, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth. So, as we run this race of life, remember it is the fruits of the Holy Spirit that give us the strength and endurance to carry on and on: peace, love, joy, faithfulness, kindness, self-control, patience.  It is not in our strength but only in Christs that we can keep in step with the Spirit.  


God understands the language of the heart, the thoughts of the heart, the cry of the heart. And when the desire of your heart is to seek His presence in every moment, you will discover that in every situation in life, God is near to you.


It is true that with time comes experience, but the divine wisdom of God knows no age, no race, no barrier or division. Today, make a decision to heed wisdom’s call, and this starts with the simple understanding that God is God and we should reverence Him.


This instruction of Jesus reminds us that whatever we do in this earth, whatever we encounter and whatever comes our way, nothing should take our heart from God. Different responsibilities, challenges and pressures may fight for our attention but nothing should take the place of God in our heart, because our heart belongs to Him.