I Need To Be Ready To Meet Jesus!

I want to share a remarkable experience I had a year ago that transformed my understanding of faith and worship.

In my dream, I saw a magnificent vision of a vast sky filled with a beautiful light. I witnessed Jesus and angels holding banners, singing and worshiping. As I gazed up, I saw Jesus descending, surrounded by angels, but they did not touch the ground. In that moment, I noticed a Spanish man bowing down in worship. I immediately called my husband to share what I was seeing, but he couldn’t see it.

As I watched, I felt a gentle voice in my heart urging me to kneel and worship as well. I obeyed and knelt down, thanking the Lord. At that moment, I saw people on earth coming together to worship Christ, singing joyfully with instruments like timbals and lyres. I saw the Spanish man worshiping, and suddenly he ascended to meet Jesus in the sky. I felt a pang of worry, wondering why I wasn’t joining him.

Again, I saw Jesus descending closer to me, but His feet never touched the ground. I remembered the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua, who said that as Jesus gets closer, we must prepare ourselves. Despite my fear and shivering, I was filled with joy at the sight of Jesus and the angels.

Later, I had another dream where Prophet T.B. Joshua told me that I would be sent to the man of God, Racine. I began following his teachings alongside his wife, Ruth. One of the lessons focused on the Rapture, and it made me realize that, like the Spanish man, I was not prepared to meet Jesus. This revelation prompted me to ready myself for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am incredibly thankful for these revelations and for the teachings of Prophet T.B. Joshua, as well as for the guidance of Man of God Racine. I bless the name of the Lord for these experiences.

This is my testimony.

Promoted For God’s Glory

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