“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:6

What you do in private, in secret is very
important to God because He sees what no one else sees. While man looks at the
outward appearance, God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

What you do in private, in secret is very important to God because He sees what no one else sees. While man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

 When Jesse brought his preferred sons before Prophet Samuel, the eye of God was on the uninvited David, the shepherd boy in the fields because of his faithful and loyal heart towards God.

It was the heart of sacrifice that Jesus saw in the widow that gave her last penny. It was the repentant spirit that Jesus saw in the prostitute that washed His feet with her tears.

 Are you unnoticed? Are you ignored? Do you think that no one sees you? The eyes of God are roaming throughout the earth to find those whose hearts are loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) Someone is watching you. Jesus cares because Jesus sees. So, don’t lose heart. Let me encourage you: The prayers of many years are not lost, the forgiveness you show, the kindness you plant, the perseverance and endurance that grace your life will come back to you a hundred-fold at God’s appointed time because God is watching you and He never forgets. 

 The Bible says in Ezra 5:5 that the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, so they were not stopped in their assignment from God until they heard from the king. If nobody notices you, yet you are noticed by God, you become one with a difference, and your reward will be great in Heaven.  



Do you know that God searches our heart? Because only He can see the true motivation behind what we do. What will a search of your heart reveal? Anxious thoughts? Fear? Doubt? Impatience? Anger? Worry? Our life is what our thoughts make it. When we come to God with our lips, He listens to our heart.


No matter the challenge or confrontation you face today, it is how you respond that matters because our real enemy is sin. When our impatience is provoked, our patience has a chance to grow, when our hatred is provoked, our love has a chance to grow. When our doubt is provoked, our faith has a chance to grow. The psalmist understood that the only way to respond as God would want us to, is when the Word of God is hidden in our heart.


“How do we meet Jesus today? We can only relate and meet Jesus Christ through His Word and by His Spirit! It is God’s Word which builds the bridge of faith which connects us to God.
The Word dominating our heart is the Lordship of Christ in us. This is why Jesus is asking us to remain in His Word.”