“…whatever is not from faith is sin.”

Romans 14:23


What is faith? Faith is of man’s heart, which is the communication point of the Holy Spirit. When people work hard with all their strength, mind and power, they think that they do the work from their heart. It is very easy for people to claim something to be from their heart. “…the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts…” (1 Chronicles 28:9) The Lord says that it is not by power nor might but by the Spirit of God. (Zechariah 4:6)


We never came into this world because of our desire but it is the design of God for us to come into existence. Therefore, everything that follows should be by the design and will of God. Man has been created for the glory of God. (Isaiah 43:7) This means, the inspiration from God must give birth to every stage of life. Once the inspiration is given to us, it is in our interest to accept it, and be convinced in our heart. Once we are convinced, we act on it for the glory of God, for the purpose God has created us. In each step we take, in each decision we take in this life, let us be able to say, “This is from my heart, for the glory of God.”


Do you know that you are a masterpiece of Jesus’ gold, made for the glory of God? If gold must be gold, it has to pass through the furnace. What takes gold to be gold is what takes us to be a masterpiece of Jesus’ gold – that is a test of faith. Our tests can be trials of life or temptation. At the point of conviction, the heart must know if what’s been done is from faith or not. Now the question is: In the hour of temptation, will your faith be there to commend your work or to condemn it? Don’t forget, whatever a man says can either release or negate what he believes in his heart. In reference to God’s standard, overcoming this test will qualify you as a masterpiece of Jesus’ gold.


“…Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.” (Romans 14:5)



“Let’s take a lesson from David who was ready to be humiliated in his own eyes, so that God could be honoured. Ask yourself: Where does honouring God appear in your list of priorities? Do you thank Him for all that He has done in your life, all the way long? While men look at the outside, God looks at the motives of the heart. Instead of worrying about the opinion of others concerning you, let the motive of your heart each day be to honour God before yourself.”


“There is no time to do what is right. We must set our heart to obey the Word of God, all the time. God’s kind of lifestyle calls us to do what is right in the sight of God at all times, even though it is contrary to what we naturally want to do. Choosing to do what is right is a great test to the flesh.

What is the sacrifice of righteousness? Choosing to do God’s will rather than our own. When our flesh says hate, God says love. It takes sacrificial love to love your enemy and to pray for them. These are the weapons of righteousness. This is the sacrifice that Jesus looks at and rewards. Even though that might not be a grand, or outward sacrifice, it is what Jesus values.”


“When we talk of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are talking of the rare opportunity He has given to all believers to experience a new beginning – a situation in which every dead area of our lives receives life anew.

We are dead to our past and alive to our future. Sin’s power over us is broken and we now put on Christ’s new life: we live in Him, move in Him and have our being in Him. Herein lies the significance of resurrection.”