“David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel—I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.” 

2 Samuel 6:21-22


David was called a man after God’s own heart whose focus was always in honouring God.  He cultivated the habit of including God in his decisions and  never doubted His Source: God! Throughout the book of Psalms, David constantly kept in remembrance the goodness of God in his life. He never forgot that it was God who had taken him from behind the sheep, the lowest position in society to the highest position as king over Israel. He knew that his own father Jesse didn’t have him in mind as king, but God did.  Therefore, in everything he put God first. David’s heart and mind were set to honour God before himself and his actions reflected that conviction. His pure joy before the Lord was that of a child.


The Bible tells us in Titus 1:15 that, “to the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.”


The difference between King Saul and king David shows clearly that serving, worshipping and praising God is a matter of commitment not of sacrifice. For those like Saul who have not committed themselves to honour God, anything can be a source of offence and distraction.


David’s heart and mind were totally committed to the Lord!  He never put anything above God.  Anytime David entered into God’s presence, he reverently dropped his mantle of kingship and went on his knees.


Let’s take a lesson from David who was ready to be humiliated in his own eyes, so that God could be honoured. Ask yourself: Where does honouring God appear in your list of priorities?  Do you thank Him for all that He has done in your life, all the way long? While men look at the outside, God looks at the motives of the heart. Instead of worrying about the opinion of others concerning you, let the motive of your heart each day be to honour God before yourself.



Do you know that God searches our heart? Because only He can see the true motivation behind what we do. What will a search of your heart reveal? Anxious thoughts? Fear? Doubt? Impatience? Anger? Worry? Our life is what our thoughts make it. When we come to God with our lips, He listens to our heart.


No matter the challenge or confrontation you face today, it is how you respond that matters because our real enemy is sin. When our impatience is provoked, our patience has a chance to grow, when our hatred is provoked, our love has a chance to grow. When our doubt is provoked, our faith has a chance to grow. The psalmist understood that the only way to respond as God would want us to, is when the Word of God is hidden in our heart.


“How do we meet Jesus today? We can only relate and meet Jesus Christ through His Word and by His Spirit! It is God’s Word which builds the bridge of faith which connects us to God.
The Word dominating our heart is the Lordship of Christ in us. This is why Jesus is asking us to remain in His Word.”