Faith is a seed that comes from within. If you trace the history of the Israelites from their rescue from slavery in Egypt to their journey to the promised land and the generations that followed, you will see that faith does not come from things on the outside. As God’s chosen people, they witnessed and experienced more miracles, signs and wonders than any generation before or since and yet their hearts still turned away from God.


To be occupied with what we see or feel directly reverses the condition that God has laid down for us to follow – to walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)


To walk by faith is a heart decision because faith is a heart that believes God in every circumstance of life. Faith is related to two realities we cannot see with our natural eyes – God and God’s Word. Yes, you find faith deep within your spirit – faith to believe, faith to trust, faith to rely only on God and His Word. This deep inner conviction is the seed of any real believer. And no matter what happens on the outside, the seed remains.


The Bible tell us in 1 John 3:9, “No one who has been born of God practices sin, because His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin continually, because he has been born of God.”

A Christian does not make sin his trademark, his lifestyle. A Christian does not live and walk in it for His seed remains in him, that is faith born of God.  


Ask Jesus to water the seed of faith within you as you remain in His Word, in Jesus’ name.


“What is the value of human life? No matter how much wealth we possess, or possessions we own in this life, we can never ever have enough to be the owners of our soul. It is only God who determines the beginning and the end of life and it is only Him who can redeem our soul, to give us eternal life.”


“The Bible says in Psalm 121:3 that God never closes His eyes on us, that He watches over us, He who guards us does not slumber nor sleep. If He is with us all the time why then do so many of us only seek refuge in Him occasionally?”


“Do you feel like giving up while praying for situations or people? Don’t lose heart because prayer is not empty words but an acknowledgment that there is a superior realm that controls the visible and invisible worlds. And the King of this realm is the king of your heart. When He says yes, no one can say no.”