“For His eyes are on the ways of man, And He sees all his steps.” Job 34:21


God has purposely kept us in the dark concerning our future because as a loving Father, He knows that if we were to see the big picture immediately, we would be unlikely to trust Him for every step.


When you stand before a huge expanse of water that you need to cross, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and to give into panic and worry. But when all you see ahead is a stepping stone, it is God’s way of guiding you, loving you, showing you His will, one step at a time.


That is why God often hides Himself to the senses so that we seek Him by faith. When our common sense cannot see the way ahead, we have to submit to His Word and allow His Sprit to guide our heart to see by faith the next stepping stone to tread on.


Do you feel as if you are facing a huge rushing river with no way across? Take a moment to reflect on this past year and you will see the faithfulness of God in each step – how God took you through, one step at a time.


Now as we are about to enter a new year, make sure your heart is tuned to His voice, so that He shows you which is the next step to take, on your journey to eternity in Jesus’ name.






A house built on the rock stands forever.
By faith, we begin to look not at our weakness but believe that we have the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Righteousness is right standing before God. In His presence, your heart is secured.


Despite taking great care of our physical appearance, so many of us are discouraged, frustrated, fearful, angry, bitter and offended inside – and this is what shows through our words and behaviour, no matter how much we try and hide it. Why? Because our heart is not cleansed and our mind not refreshed.


Often, the loudest rebuke is the one from the inside of us. Because the motive of our heart cannot be concealed, and no one knows us better than we do ourselves. So, if we are convicted by our conscience, there is hope for us.