“So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs. John 21:15

Before Jesus gave Peter the task and responsibility of feeding His sheep, He asked him the one question: Do you love me? Jesus did not ask Peter if he was a gifted speaker, a talented leader or test his knowledge of the law, but just asked: Do you love me?


This shows us that the essence of effective ministry will always be an overflow of our love relationship with Jesus. Peter and the other disciples were ordinary fishermen from a backward and lowly part of the country. They were nobodies or nonentities till Jesus called them.


When Moses appointed the elders over Israel, the qualification was not their knowledge or family lineage, physical appearance, or special talent but rather to fear God and shun evil (Exodus 18:21)


If we were to see things the way God does, we would see the immense value of godly character that comes from loving God and shunning evil. In fact, it is the most precious thing that we possess in God’s sight.


Examine your life in the light of what the Bible tells us in Micah 6:8
    “And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy

    and to walk humbly with your God.”


“What is the value of human life? No matter how much wealth we possess, or possessions we own in this life, we can never ever have enough to be the owners of our soul. It is only God who determines the beginning and the end of life and it is only Him who can redeem our soul, to give us eternal life.”


“The Bible says in Psalm 121:3 that God never closes His eyes on us, that He watches over us, He who guards us does not slumber nor sleep. If He is with us all the time why then do so many of us only seek refuge in Him occasionally?”


“Do you feel like giving up while praying for situations or people? Don’t lose heart because prayer is not empty words but an acknowledgment that there is a superior realm that controls the visible and invisible worlds. And the King of this realm is the king of your heart. When He says yes, no one can say no.”