“…I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Hebrews 8:10

When King Nebuchadnezzar had signed the decree that anyone who didn’t worship the gold image he had set up would be cast into the fiery furnace, everybody in the entire kingdom became very fearful, except three of God’s people: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. This life-threatening situation didn’t shake the faith of the three god-fearing men because of the Word of God in their heart.


The Word of God says, “…When you pass through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.”

(Isaiah 43:2) Although they were not saved instantly from the fiery furnace, it was the Word of God in their hearts that

 turned the fiery furnace into ice cold. The three men were walking freely inside the fiery furnace along with the Son of God.

This sounds interesting to everyone but this doesn’t just happen. It is not all about the Word of God in our lips – I mean, when we begin to search the Bible for a Scripture that suits our situation. We should not rely on bits and pieces of the Bible but take the Word of God to heart by meditating on it, asking the Holy Spirit to help us. The Word of God must first take residence within us, because at the time we need it most, the Holy Spirit can only bring to remembrance the Word of God that is already lodged in our heart. With the Word of God in your heart, you don’t need to make up words because God says, “I will put My Word in your mouth,” just as He did for Jeremiah, Moses, Daniel, Peter, Paul. That is the promise Jesus gave His disciples before leaving them, “…do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” Luke 12:11-12


The living Word in the lips of Daniel turned the lions into pets.

The living Word in the lips of Jesus prevailed over the law of nature. (Mark 4:36-41)

If you speak God’s word over your situation you have released your faith and brought God’s power on the scene.

In your life battle, always keep it at the forefront of your mind that it is not your word that satan fears but satan fears the Word of God in your heart, because it is only then that it becomes effective.


In the garden of Eden, a place of pleasure, a place of abundance, a place of intimacy with God, Adam disobeyed.
In the garden of Gethsemane, a place of pain, a place of sorrow, a place of suffering where before Him was the weight of the sins of the world and rejection from God, Jesus obeyed.


Do you know that God searches our heart? Because only He can see the true motivation behind what we do. What will a search of your heart reveal? Anxious thoughts? Fear? Doubt? Impatience? Anger? Worry? Our life is what our thoughts make it. When we come to God with our lips, He listens to our heart.


No matter the challenge or confrontation you face today, it is how you respond that matters because our real enemy is sin. When our impatience is provoked, our patience has a chance to grow, when our hatred is provoked, our love has a chance to grow. When our doubt is provoked, our faith has a chance to grow. The psalmist understood that the only way to respond as God would want us to, is when the Word of God is hidden in our heart.