This is what the Lord says:
“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom

    or the strong boast of their strength
    or the rich boast of their riches,
but let the one who boasts boast about this:
    that they have the understanding to know me,
that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness,
    justice and righteousness on earth,
    for in these I delight,”
declares the Lord.”

Jeremiah 9:23-24

The greatest achievement on earth is to pray as God wants us to pray, because prayer is a relationship that exists between God and His children, a relationship that will take you beyond the grave, to eternity.


This means all that you hold dear in this world is nothing compared to knowing God, and to be known by Him. So, how can we have understanding to know God? Knowing God is not only to see His miracles, His works, His hands but to learn His ways.


How do we learn His ways? Through His Word and by His Spirit in our heart. God tests our hearts to reward us. In God’s way, our life is measured by the movement of our heart.  What you see as failure may not be at all in His way, what you see as success may not be at all in His way.


We need a greater understanding of God’s heart to know that what we are going through, God is aware. God is working through your circumstances, sicknesses, affliction, setback. You need a greater understanding of God’s heart to understand this, if not you continue to run after alternatives. Whereas God works through your circumstances of life.


Lord, give me a greater understanding of Your heart because You are Lord over my life.


“What is the value of human life? No matter how much wealth we possess, or possessions we own in this life, we can never ever have enough to be the owners of our soul. It is only God who determines the beginning and the end of life and it is only Him who can redeem our soul, to give us eternal life.”


“The Bible says in Psalm 121:3 that God never closes His eyes on us, that He watches over us, He who guards us does not slumber nor sleep. If He is with us all the time why then do so many of us only seek refuge in Him occasionally?”


“Do you feel like giving up while praying for situations or people? Don’t lose heart because prayer is not empty words but an acknowledgment that there is a superior realm that controls the visible and invisible worlds. And the King of this realm is the king of your heart. When He says yes, no one can say no.”