“Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.’ ”

Can you hear God’s voice today? Or is your heart so full of yesterday’s pain and tomorrow’s uncertainty? It is only in the present you can enjoy the gift of God. Only today is yours.

If you examine your life, you will see that all the worries, concerns and anxiety you had about tomorrow did not actually come to pass. 

How much time do you waste in worrying so you cannot live in the present?

Yesterday is history, today is opportunity while tomorrow is mystery.

But how many of us trapped by past pain and gripped by anxiety of future uncertainty are truly able to grasp the opportunity of today?

Only today is yours. What will you do with this moment?

Will you listen to the voice of God – the voice of love, the voice of freedom, the voice of hope, saying?

“Now is the day of salvation!” (2 Cor 6:2).

Love frees us in the present.

Learn to live today.


It is true that with time comes experience, but the divine wisdom of God knows no age, no race, no barrier or division. Today, make a decision to heed wisdom’s call, and this starts with the simple understanding that God is God and we should reverence Him.


This instruction of Jesus reminds us that whatever we do in this earth, whatever we encounter and whatever comes our way, nothing should take our heart from God. Different responsibilities, challenges and pressures may fight for our attention but nothing should take the place of God in our heart, because our heart belongs to Him.


When we pay attention to the Word of God, seeing it not as an ordinary word but the Word of God, then our mind will be renewed and our heart will begin to desire the things from above. We must be spiritually inclined to discover spiritual things.