The assignment God gave Moses was to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt so they could enter into the promised land that God had planned for them.

If Moses’ relationship with God was founded on entering the promised land, he would have given up at the waters of Meribah as soon as God declared that after a journey through the desert for 40 years, he would never set his foot in that land of promise (Numbers 20:12).

But his relationship with God was based on God’s sufficiency. Though at times he questioned, he doubted and even complained, he continued to obey the voice of God not because of a promised blessing but because he was a servant and God was his Master.  

The real promised land for Moses and for every true believer is the Kingdom of God, I mean eternal life. 

Don’t lose sight of that.

Are you wandering in the desert of life’s ups and downs?

Are you facing the consequences of disobedience to God’s Word?

Are you tempted right now to complain or give up believing in God’s promise?

Remember, faith is not real without God’s promise. As Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:17, “for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

The promise of redemption, of eternal life is the sole end and purpose of all our activities here on earth. Whatever you do, don’t miss that Promised Land! 


“What is the value of human life? No matter how much wealth we possess, or possessions we own in this life, we can never ever have enough to be the owners of our soul. It is only God who determines the beginning and the end of life and it is only Him who can redeem our soul, to give us eternal life.”


“The Bible says in Psalm 121:3 that God never closes His eyes on us, that He watches over us, He who guards us does not slumber nor sleep. If He is with us all the time why then do so many of us only seek refuge in Him occasionally?”


“Do you feel like giving up while praying for situations or people? Don’t lose heart because prayer is not empty words but an acknowledgment that there is a superior realm that controls the visible and invisible worlds. And the King of this realm is the king of your heart. When He says yes, no one can say no.”