“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

Do you ever take time to stop and reflect on the faithfulness of God, to meditate on how He has answered your prayers? You cannot separate God from His will, promises and time. The prayers of many years are never lost. They will come back to you a hundred-fold at God’s appointed time. Many have even come back to you but because you have forgotten the prayer you offered, the answer appears unseen.

Are you tempted to doubt God’s goodness towards you? Listen to Joshua who assured the Israelites that they had seen every one of God’s promises fulfilled (Joshua 23:15).  

Are you questioning if God hears your prayer? Learn from Daniel who as soon as he began to pray, an answer was given (Daniel 9:23).

Are you conditioning God by expecting the answer to your prayer to come in a particular way? Ask Simeon and he will tell you that the answer to his prayer came in a way he never imagined (Luke 2:25-29).

Prayer is an acknowledgement that there is a superior realm that controls the physical and invisible world. God always answers the prayer of faith yet He doesn’t always answer in the letter. Although it may appear unseen, begin to thank God for a more glorious answer to your prayer than you could ever imagine.


“Let’s take a lesson from David who was ready to be humiliated in his own eyes, so that God could be honoured. Ask yourself: Where does honouring God appear in your list of priorities? Do you thank Him for all that He has done in your life, all the way long? While men look at the outside, God looks at the motives of the heart. Instead of worrying about the opinion of others concerning you, let the motive of your heart each day be to honour God before yourself.”


“There is no time to do what is right. We must set our heart to obey the Word of God, all the time. God’s kind of lifestyle calls us to do what is right in the sight of God at all times, even though it is contrary to what we naturally want to do. Choosing to do what is right is a great test to the flesh.

What is the sacrifice of righteousness? Choosing to do God’s will rather than our own. When our flesh says hate, God says love. It takes sacrificial love to love your enemy and to pray for them. These are the weapons of righteousness. This is the sacrifice that Jesus looks at and rewards. Even though that might not be a grand, or outward sacrifice, it is what Jesus values.”


“When we talk of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are talking of the rare opportunity He has given to all believers to experience a new beginning – a situation in which every dead area of our lives receives life anew.

We are dead to our past and alive to our future. Sin’s power over us is broken and we now put on Christ’s new life: we live in Him, move in Him and have our being in Him. Herein lies the significance of resurrection.”