“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Oftentimes, God works through the circumstances of life – your difficulty, sickness, disease, affliction, setback, attack for you to see His position. If we rely on our natural strength, it will one day let us down. Where does the strength come from to see the race to an end?
It comes from within.

The world may see strength in force, in dominance, in always winning. But my Saviour taught me to look at life the other way round – that the greatest strength is in surrendering to God, going the path of humility and self-denial.

Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go. True strength is to forgive all. To love from the heart. To dishonour ourselves so that Christ may be honoured.

True humility is not weakness – but strength. Unless we are humble, we will not bow to God or seek Him for assistance (James 4:1). It is not a matter of combining our strength with God’s strength
but a total and complete removal of our strength to put on God’s own.

Then like Apostle Paul, you can say, “When I am weak, then I am strong”.


“There is no time to do what is right. We must set our heart to obey the Word of God, all the time. God’s kind of lifestyle calls us to do what is right in the sight of God at all times, even though it is contrary to what we naturally want to do. Choosing to do what is right is a great test to the flesh.

What is the sacrifice of righteousness? Choosing to do God’s will rather than our own. When our flesh says hate, God says love. It takes sacrificial love to love your enemy and to pray for them. These are the weapons of righteousness. This is the sacrifice that Jesus looks at and rewards. Even though that might not be a grand, or outward sacrifice, it is what Jesus values.”


“When we talk of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are talking of the rare opportunity He has given to all believers to experience a new beginning – a situation in which every dead area of our lives receives life anew.

We are dead to our past and alive to our future. Sin’s power over us is broken and we now put on Christ’s new life: we live in Him, move in Him and have our being in Him. Herein lies the significance of resurrection.”


“How many of us like the people within the dying city, struck by famine, give in to fear, desperation and refuse to venture outside when God has chased our enemy away? Fear can cripple and torment us, and rob us of life’s opportunities. How many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and even years have been wasted due to fear.”