“…your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Isaiah 30:20-21


There is no state of being as rewarding as living in tune with God. The Bible says in Psalm 103:7, “He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel.”

And when God made known His ways to Moses, he continued to walk in them. That is what singled him out as a friend of God. The generals of God throughout history understood this secret, that knowing God is not only to see His works but to learn His ways.


In David’s last words to his son, Solomon who was to succeed him as king, he charged him to walk in God’s ways. (1 Kings 2:3) When God appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him his request, He made it clear that the blessing of God would never depart from him only if he walked in God’s ways. (1 Kings 3:14)


Despite the incredible gift of divine wisdom that gave him fame that spread to the four corners of the earth, at the end of his life, Solomon did not walk in God’s ways. And God was not so interested in the beautiful temple Solomon built for Him as in His position in Solomon’s heart.


Ask yourself: Do you want to be known only as someone who received God’s miracles, who worked for God’s cause or who walked in His ways? Many want to work for Jesus but few are ready to be His friend. To be His friend, you have to walk in His ways. How do we know His ways?  Through His Word, by His Spirit.


Even though your life, your feelings, your situation may be unsteady, you can only remain steady when you decide against the odds, to walk in God’s ways. Then, you can say together with the generals of faith that your weakness was turned to strength. (Hebrews 11:34)









Do you know that God searches our heart? Because only He can see the true motivation behind what we do. What will a search of your heart reveal? Anxious thoughts? Fear? Doubt? Impatience? Anger? Worry? Our life is what our thoughts make it. When we come to God with our lips, He listens to our heart.


No matter the challenge or confrontation you face today, it is how you respond that matters because our real enemy is sin. When our impatience is provoked, our patience has a chance to grow, when our hatred is provoked, our love has a chance to grow. When our doubt is provoked, our faith has a chance to grow. The psalmist understood that the only way to respond as God would want us to, is when the Word of God is hidden in our heart.


“How do we meet Jesus today? We can only relate and meet Jesus Christ through His Word and by His Spirit! It is God’s Word which builds the bridge of faith which connects us to God.
The Word dominating our heart is the Lordship of Christ in us. This is why Jesus is asking us to remain in His Word.”