Category: Remain In Him


“Jesus Christ was a finisher. When Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!” (John 19:30), with these words, the bridge that linked man to God was complete. This is the great Gospel benefit – God took away our sin and purchased for us total pardon. That was His mission. Jesus started his ministry when HE was 30 years old and his ministry lasted for 3 and a half years, during which HE performed so many miracles and touched so many lives, He changed the entire history of the world.”


“In the struggle between the stone and the water – in time the water wins. Stone is harder than water, but in time, the water erodes it. Whatever is in its path must eventually give way. Time is in the hands of God, and each moment, day and year that passes, God is working in your heart, if you allow Him.”


“Jesus Christ, the Son of David, is the Builder of the true temple where God dwells (Matthew 16: 18). Jesus uses the Living Word to make the human heart the sanctuary of His Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes from Heaven to make His home in your heart. God is building Himself into us, making Himself an integral part of us as His Word rules, dominates and sanctifies our spirit nature. Now, you have to be strong and play your own role. What is your role – arrest your heart for God. Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5).”


“As a child of God, you must hear what He says, and God, your father is always saying something.
In your brokenness, He speaks comfort.
In your trial, He speaks courage.
In your weakness, He speaks strength.
In your guilt, He speaks forgiveness.
In your storm, He speaks peace.
Your circumstance today may point you to death but God’s Word points you to life.”


“Are you unnoticed? Are you ignored? Do you think that no one sees you? The eyes of God are roaming throughout the earth to find those whose hearts are loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) Someone is watching you. Jesus cares because Jesus sees. So, don’t lose heart. Let me encourage you: The prayers of many years are not lost, the forgiveness you show, the kindness you plant, the perseverance and endurance that grace your life will come back to you a hundred-fold at God’s appointed time because God is watching you and He never forgets.”


If David had matched Goliath strength for strength, armour for armour, stature for stature in their encounter, where would the glory of God be in the victory? (1 Samuel 17)
Ask yourself, are there too many soldiers in your life? Do you attribute what is good to your own effort or do you allow God’s strength to manifest in your weakness? God often works through the circumstances of life to make us depend not on natural help but on God alone.